miércoles, 18 de abril de 2007


Hi, my name’s…Ingris… but everybody calls me …ingris…I’m from la Villa del Rosario, originally, I’m twenty four years old and I study mass communication at URBE. I LIVE IN Maraca Ibo, in Monte Claro.I LoveMusic, studying English, talking on the phone with my friends, chocolate, my family, my country.I hateSmoking, onions, broccolis, getting up early on the wee kinds violence, war, injustice, and washing the dishes.My dream is.Travel around the world, Id love to work in an important company and buy a house, get married and start a family.My opinion about English.I think English is very important.Name: Her name’s Gillian she’s from Maracaibo shes´s a student from Mass Communication School. She 21 years old .she lives in Naranjal.Likes: She love pizza, she enjoy stalking on the phone, she like to tennis.Dislikes: She doesn’t like violence, she hates lies, she can’t stand to wait.Dreams: Her dream is to travel to other countries. She wants to yet marrie.About: She I think English his very har, she doesn’t like, it’s very important, she listen.English: to music she prefers to study English by wa tchinq TV, she wants to leam English.

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